
Konoha Kara No Dansei 2

Deviation Actions

Grindell's avatar

Literature Text

Naruto stared at the building before him, the worries that had been rolling around in his head suddenly seeming to drop down to his stomach. Unlike most of the skyscrapers in Manhattan, which were bunched together, this one was out in the open, seated next to a small park. It looked just like it did on the business card.

All around him the sound of thousands of footsteps and the honking of car horns were blazing. There was also construction going on somewhere in the distance. The smell of exhaust from the streets and pollen from the park intermingled in a most curious way, making Naruto’s nose wrinkle.

It had been nearly a week since Tsunade had come to dinner and during that time Naruto had changed his mind about taking the job roughly five million times. He wasn’t sure what he wanted anymore. One minute he would be on the phone waiting for Tsunade’s secretary to pick up, the next he would slam it down and swear to never step foot in New York. Then he would start pulling out his hair and sulking around his apartment.

Naruto hated that he was being so uncharacteristically indecisive. Usually, he would make an immediate decision and run headlong into it, beating it with a stick until it worked.

Normally, he would have turned down the job immediately. Yet, somehow, here he was…

Without any previous planning (or thinking) on his part, Naruto had found himself speeding along the highway at a ridiculously early hour in the morning after a night of restless sleep, intent on chewing Tsunade out for making his life come to a screeching halt.

So one state and two hours later, Naruto came to be standing outside in the parking lot of the Konoha building. Wearing nothing but black sweat pants, sneakers with no socks and a zipped-up orange jacket. He had forgotten to pull on a shirt in his fit of righteous fury and since his fervor had now had over two hours to cool, he was debating whether or not to march up into Tsunade’s office and demand his baby pictures or whatever.

He checked his watch.

7:23. Yep, he was officially insane. No one was even fucking here yet. The building was dark.

Naruto leaned back against his orange Jeep, resting a forearm over his arm to block out the early morning sun and let out a loud groan.

Why did he even come up here? Calling would have been the best thing to do. Saves time and gas. But then again, nothing was quite as effective as yelling at someone face to face. On the phone they can just hang up. Although yelling might not be the best thing… Shit! Why did he have to be in this situation?! What if Tsunade withheld information if he didn’t take the job? That bitch!

Naruto move his arm up two inches so he could glare at the tall building as if it had offended him. The damn thing was mocking him! He just knew it! Well fine, he would take over the company, fire the snooty models, move headquarters to the Rockies and make it into a bass fishing magazine!!!

… Maybe he needed some coffee.

Morals Vs. Sentimentality. He could either walk away with his honor, or go in their and find out the truth. There was no easy way out. He just had to make a decision and stick with it.

“GAHHH! Why does this have to be so damn difficult?!!” he shouted, pulling at his hair in frustration.

Just then he heard someone nearby shouting an impressive variety of profanities, even by Naruto’s standards.

He took two steps and peered around the back of his car to where the shouting was coming from. There was a guy several parking spaces over who was attempting to carry three cardboard boxes while holding the leash of a large scruffy dog.

“Fuck! NO! Bad! Bad Akamaru! Don’t hump the nice man!! God dammit!!”

The young man was trying to restrain the pooch without spilling all the papers in his boxes. It didn’t help that the leash was wrapped around his legs twice and he was being pulled towards a passing businessman on the sidewalk who looked very concerned for his own safety.

Heh. Naruto really wished he had brought his camera now. This was just way too amusing. Maybe he could get a decent shot with his cell phone…

“NO! STOP!! Akamaru!! I’m warning you! Fuck!! Just give him the damn bagel, dude! That’s what he wants!! SHIT!!”

As Akamaru gained another foot one of the boxes fell from the boy’s grasp, scattering papers across the pavement. When another string of curse words filled the air Naruto decided it was time to lend a hand.

He ran forward and caught the dog’s collar, giving a hefty tug to keep the large animal from moving forward. “Whoa, boy!”

The force needed to stop Akamaru caused the dog to rear up on his hind legs, held at the collar by Naruto. Then in a feat of impressive agility, Akamaru whirled around, placed both paws over Naruto’s shoulders and enthusiastically began slobbering all over the blond’s face. “AGGH!” Fuck! Gross! And this dog was as tall as he was!

Somewhere in midst of this the businessman and his bagel escaped. Lucky bastard.

“Down!! Get off of him you stupid mutt!” The brown haired boy shouted, nearly dropping another box in his anger. Funny, there were fang shaped tattoos on his cheeks. They looked pretty funky when matched with the business suit he was wearing. Thought the jacket was missing, the sleeves were rolled to the elbow and the tie was hanging loosely around his neck.

“It’s okay, I got him.” Naruto managed to push the dog back slightly. But its hot disgusting breath was still puffing in his face. UGH!!

“Really?!! Oh, man, thanks a million! I owe you one!” The dog boy (Naruto decided the dog’s owner looked like a dog himself) was finally able to untangle himself from the leash winding around and between his legs by stepping over it and twisting around twice.

“This big lug gets overly friendly sometimes and then he stole my espresso this morning so he’s kinda… Anyway! I’m Kiba!”

He shifted the two boxes into one arm, the top one leaning against the side of his head so it wouldn’t fall, and extended his free hand. Naruto grinned, pushing Akamaru down so he could shake hands with the boy.

“My name’s Naruto Uzumaki!”

“You a tourist?”

Naruto blinked, giving the dog boy an incredulous look. “Eh?”

Kiba chuckled. “Sorry. Didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just that New Yorkers aren’t usually this friendly. I could have been a mugger or something you know! I’m not, but I could have been. You probably shouldn’t be so naive if you’re spending any time in this city. Do you mind holding Akamaru’s leash for a minute?”

Naruto gave Kiba an miffed look but took the leash anyway. Akamaru immediately began wiggling between and around the blond’s legs, wagging tail beating against his shins. Kiba set his boxes down on the pavement and began gathering the scattered papers.

“I’m not a tourist! I mean, I’m not really from around here, but I’m not on vacation either. I’m from Long Beach, that’s only two hours away!”

“So you’re a New Jersey boy, huh?” Kiba asked with amusement, still searching through the papers. He seemed to be stacking them in a specific order. “I was born in Queens so I know all there is to know about living in the Big Apple. But my Mom’s a southern bell and she’s always complained about how rude New Yorkers are, so that kind of left an impression on me. You’ll find I’m much more polite than your average New Yorker.”

Kiba patted his chest proudly, looking back at Naruto. Kiba sure liked to talk. But then again, most everyone who met Naruto called him a blabbermouth. “You’re lucky you ran into me! What can I do you for, Jersey Boy?”

“I don’t really need anything. Besides you look busy, and I’m waiting for this building to open up.” Naruto waved a hand at the skyscraper.

Kiba blinked. “Damn, then you really are lucky. I work here.”

“YOU WORK HERE?!” Naruto shouted in surprise and revulsion. And Kiba seemed like such a nice guy!!! …Oh wait; his Dad had worked here too…

Kiba snickered, apparently mistaking Naruto’s outburst for admiration. “Yep! In fact, I’m the editor!”

Akamaru barked as if to confirm the statement, letting his tongue hang out the side of his mouth.

“Aa…” Naruto rubbed the back of his head with a nervous grin. “It’s just, uh… I’ve been waiting for someone to show up…”

“Well you’re in luck, because it’s my job to open up in the morning!” Kiba pulled a ring of keys from his pocket, jiggling them in the air with a sly grin on his face. “I can give you tour if you want. As a favor for helping me out.”

“EH?!! Right now?!! Naruto started.

“Oh! You’re waiting for someone?” Kiba asked, lowering the keys.

“No, no! It’s just… uh…” Naruto glanced at the Konoha building again before shaking his head and clenching his fists.

Damn it!!! He was making this a much bigger deal that it needed to be. It’s just a building. He was not going to chicken out! Not now that he actually had a way in. Naruto Uzumaki doesn’t get intimidated.

“Actually, that would be really great!!” He shouted with renewed confidence, holding up his fists in challenge. If Kiba thought this behavior was weird he didn’t show it.

“Cool!” The dog-boy exclaimed. “So what are you here for anyway? I mean, if you don’t mind me asking.”

Naruto flinched. He seriously didn’t want to go into the whole parent thing. And saying he was here for a job catering to stuck-up models would be embarrassing. He desperately glanced around for inspiration, but when he found nothing he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“I’m just fan!” Naruto shouted, his voice cracking. Damn, he was no good at lying.

Kiba’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “You are?!”

Naruto glanced away, his brow twitching in disgust. What had he been thinking?!! “Something like that,” he grumbled.

Kiba snorted loudly, trying to hold back a laugh that got out anyway. Naruto glared.

“Hey, it doesn’t matter to me! Whatever floats your boat, man!” The dog boy continued to snicker as he placed the last of the papers into his box. Balancing the three boxes as steadily as he could, Kiba turned back to Naruto with a toothy grin, “Shall we?” he laughed before walking towards the building.

Naruto puffed his cheeks in annoyance as he followed the tattooed boy across the parking lot. Why was he the one being made fun of? He didn’t really like the magazine (not that he had ever read an issue), but so what if he did? This guy worked there! Shouldn’t that count for anything?

Akamaru jumped the two steps onto the open area under the building’s overhang, eager to stay beside his owner. Naruto took in the flowers and shrub like trees that were planted around the perimeter as well as in a small circular plot in the middle of the entranceway. He supposed this was a rather spacious area for people to come outside and smoke. Ick.

Through the glass doors of the building Naruto could see the waiting desk and several couches lined up inside.

Kiba was attempting to single handedly turn the key in the lock located on the wall next to the rotating doors, his tongue sticking out and his brows furrowed in concentration as the top box swung dangerously from side to side.

Okay, Naruto couldn’t stand it anymore. Kiba was still chuckling under his breath. Naruto folded his arms to steady his resolve. The truth was less embarrassing than the lie after all and he was a sucky liar in the first place.

“Actually I’m not a fan at all. I’m here about a job.”

“Huh?” Kiba turned away from his task to give Naruto a questioning look, but just as quickly understanding flickered across his face and his mouth dropped open. “OH! You’re the new photographer!”

“I… I guess…”

Kiba startled Naruto by barked out another round of laughter. “I shoulda known! Tsunade’s been going on about you non-stop! HAHA!! Oh man! That’s priceless!! And here I thought you were just a ‘fan’ of our male models!! Hahaha!!”

Naruto’s eye twitched. “What the hell??! That was your own misunderstanding, dog breath! Do I look like a fangirling fruitcake to you?!! If you thought I was a crazy stalker then why were you letting me in?!”

Kiba shrugged. “To annoy Neji and Sasuke mostly. Do you think you could at least pretend to be a crazed fan when you meet them? I got myself all worked up for a show.”

“Then you’ll just have to deal!!” Naruto exploded, his short fuse going the way it usually did. “Yeesh!! Why do you automatically assume I’m interested in the boys?!”

Kiba raised an eyebrow. “Dumbass, Konoha only features male models. Japanese male models. You’re the one who said you were a fan-” he was cut off by Naruto’s sudden exclamation.


Kiba twisted his pinky around in his ear to regain some of his hearing. “Shouldn’t you know something about the place you’re going to work at? That’s what ‘Konoha Kara No Dansei’ means, stupid. It’s Japanese for ‘Males From Konoha’. Konoha is the building’s name, and it was named after the park.”

Naruto blinked, not sure what to make of this new information. On one hand at least the magazine wasn’t making little girls feel bad about their weight. On the other, he wouldn’t be photographing any hot girls!! …Not that he had thought about that…

“HA!” Kiba shouted in triumph as the lock clicked. He pushed his hip against the rotating door, circling around until he was inside. Naruto came after, with Akamaru leaving trails of drool on the glass door.

It looked even larger on the inside.

Naruto gaped, staring up at the huge expanse above him. The way the building was designed he could look up and see right up at the ceiling, the steel beams were almost invisible at that height. Trees from Konoha Park could be seen outside with the taller skyscrapers in the distance above them. Naruto turned his attention forward, seeing each individual floor above rising up behind the front desk. He realized that no matter what floor he was on he would be able to look over and see down into waiting area he was now standing in. But most impressive of all were the long curtains hanging suspended from ceiling, an artistic flare. The impressive cloths stretched at least twenty floors.

A few moments after they entered Kiba opened the fuse box and turned on the overhead lights, bathing the grey room with bright red couches and pearly blue floor tiles in the soft light. On the walls hung enlarged framed covers of previous issues of Konoha Kara No Dansei from the past year, each featuring a different Asian boy, all of whom were far too pretty for their own good.

Naruto scrunched his face and then he shook his head to dislodge that last thought. Let’s not dwell on that too long.

Ooh! There are snack machines along that wall!

Kiba led the way, turning on elevator and hall lights as he went.

The Konoha Building had forty floors and a basement. It housed a cafeteria, gym, offices, a printing room, a meditation room, a records room, a whole floor devoted to the model’s wardrobe, and numerous storage rooms filled with unused photography equipment. Equipment that made Naruto drool more than Akamaru. There were camera stands, backdrops, props, and dozens of spotlights, camera bags, the little umbrellas that helped reflect light; even a plastic camera covering so you could photograph underwater!

Fuck working! Naruto wanted to live here!

He was having the insane urge rub one of the walls affectionately and apologize for threatening to turn it into a bass fishing magazine. The poor Konoha Building didn’t deserve that. It wasn’t its fault it was chosen to make a snooty magazine in.

Throughout the tour, Naruto couldn’t help but wonder how much of this was part of his father’s design, and how much Tsunade had added after he was gone.

“Here we go!” Kiba opened a door on the thirty-fourth floor, bumping in recklessly and laying the boxes on an already cluttered table. “This is my haven! Here I am god!”

Naruto looked around, taking in the old pizza boxes and cluttered papers. There was a board where all manner of flyers and documents were tacked up. Sitting around the walls were computers with pictures to decorate that person’s workstation.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the dog boy.

“Hey! I know it doesn’t look like much, but this is where the magic happens! I work best in organized chaos!”

The blond photographer laughed loudly. “That seems to be your life’s principal, huh? So I bequeath you, god of the editing room, what should I do with your little buddy here?” Naruto held up the end of the leash, shaking it from side to side.

“Just let him off, he’ll be fine,” Kiba waved a hand, unconcerned.

Naruto snorted. “Like how he was fine in the parking lot? They really allow pets in here?”

Kiba shrugged. “Tsunade can’t complain because she has that pig around all the time. And it’s fine if he humps people at work because I know them, and therefore want revenge for all the wrongs they’ve done me,” Kiba explained matter-of-factly, snickering the whole time.

Naruto decided that Kiba and he were going to get along just fine.

The next half hour or so was spent with Kiba showing Naruto the articles he and his subordinates had been working on (that was what had filled the boxes). Kiba kept them at his house so he could revise them at night when he got a burst of inspiration. But since a deadline was coming up he needed to bring them all in. Naruto’s favorite was the letters to the editor page, where Kiba would chew out people who asked stupid questions. Apparently it was an ongoing joke where people would send in stupid questions and expect stupid answers.

“Dear Mr. Kiba, heh heh, Do you know of anyone or anyplace or any books that I can dig into, to do research on HOW TO MAKE FUNNY FACES in real life?? I am doing research for a boss who wants to learn how to do weird facial contortions!”

Naruto and Kiba broke into another fit of laughter, already drunk on their own mirth from reading all the weird letters before this one. The previously organized boxes were now strewn across the table and floor, as Kiba had turned them over in his search of his funniest material.

The sound of the door opening didn’t deter their laughter one bit. Nor the arrival of aother young officer worker. In fact the exasperated expression on the boy’s face just made them laugh even harder.

A young man with short dark hair and a pressed business suit entered the room He was wearing (dark,) round sunglasses, but Naruto imagined his eyes were narrowed in annoyance. “Do I even want to know?”

“Shino!” Kiba grabbed Naruto by the collar and pulled him out of his chair, presenting him to the other man. “This is our new photographer, Naruto Uzumaki! He’s awesome. I’ve already got him thinking I’m great, so don’t even try scaring him away with your creepiness.”

“Yo!” Naruto waved a hand at the supposedly creepy boy, a snickering grin on his face.

“So you’re the one Tsunade picked out.” Shino folded his arms, giving the blond a scrutinizing once over, as if Kiba’s approval was a sign to be worried.

“Despite what Mr. Inuzuka may have been bragging about, and I’m sure he has, he’s only the copy editor. I am the art and layout editor and therefore, your boss Mr. Uzumaki. That is, should I choose to hire you.”

Naruto blinked. “Erm…”

“Shino! What did I just tell you?!!” Kiba growled, pushing Naruto aside and taking a threatening step towards the other editor. “What’s with all the serious businessman crap?! You do realize you work at a magazine that’s main purpose is making teenage girls squeal, right?”

“Don’t you have some articles to finish?” Shino asked, his monotone voice carrying an evident tone of irritation.

Kiba grumbled, turning to a pile of papers that had fallen to the floor and gathering them up. “Yeah, yeah. I’m doing it. Just don’t be a prick.”

Naruto looked from his new friend to his new boss, smiling nervously. He wasn’t even sure he wanted this job in the first place, but he didn’t want the option closed to him either. Not only because his Dad had worked here, but also because meeting Kiba made him feel more relaxed about the whole thing. Turns out not everyone who worked here was an uptight fashion guru after all. If Kiba could get along well in a place like this then Naruto was sure he could too. Now if only he didn’t have to photograph models…

“Come on, I’ll take you to Tsunade.” Shino spoke as he turned and strode out of the room.

Naruto was startled by the sudden command and glanced back at a Kiba. The dog boy gave him an encouraging smile and a thumbs-up. Naruto grinned back, returning the gesture before following after Shino.

“Meet me back here later, Naruto! We’ll eat lunch or something!” Kiba shouted as he jumped up and hung on the doorframe, watching them walk away. “And don’t let Shino bug you! He’s just anal that way!”

Naruto and Shino walked in silence for a while before boarding the elevator. Naruto watched as Shino pushed the button for the top floor and stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest in a stiff pose. Shino made no move to break the silence, which was just fine with Naruto since Shino didn’t seem like the conversational type.

Naruto felt decidedly awkward compared to the stiff businessman next to him. He was all too aware of the fact that there was no shirt under his jacket and he was wearing his Spiderman boxers today. Shino was probably a briefs kind of guy; Naruto almost chuckled at that thought but caught himself in time.

Uh-oh. One of his shoelaces was untied. But he didn’t want to draw attention to it when Shino was standing so stiffly. Maybe he could get it real quick when Shino stepped off the elevator before him.

A ding sounded overhead as the elevator door opened.

Shino lead the way and Naruto followed after, leaning down quickly to tie his shoe as soon as he was out of the doors. Halfway though Naruto looked up and saw Shino knocking on a wooden double door in the middle of the hallway.

Shizune answered the door. “Good morning, Mr. Aburame.”

Startled by her quick appearance, Naruto jumped up, tripping over himself when his fingers got caught in his partially tied shoelace. He landed on the floor with a painful grunt.

Shizune’s attention snapped to him, and Shino turned to observe him coolly.

“Na- Naruto?! You’re here!” Shizune squeaked, clearly more startled than the blond had been himself.

Naruto quickly detangled himself and stood up, straightening his jacket and fixing his hair, which turned into rubbing the back of his head with a nervous grin. “Hi. Uh… Tsunade told me to get back to her. So, here I am!”

“Ah, yes! Of course! Come in, come in!” Shizune stood to the side and ushered the two young men inside.

Shino entered without a hitch. Naruto hesitated for only a moment before stepping inside as well. He avoided looking straight at the encouraging look on Shizune’s face. The room inside was not Tsunade’s office, but an elegantly decorated waiting room.

“Tsunade is on a conference call right now. So please wait a moment while I get her.” Shizune gestured to a row of chairs lined against the wall before hastily disappearing into the back room.

Naruto took the seat furthest from the door, slumping down in it with a sigh. This wasn’t really going the way he had hoped. He was supposed to bust in and tell the old hag what for, not stumble in like a nervous schoolgirl.

“Uzumaki…” Shino began slowly, drawing Naruto’s attention to him. He had remained standing.

“Is the name of Konoha Kara No Dansei’s former president,” he said, looking not at Naruto but at the wall opposite them. Naruto followed the stoic boy’s gaze and his breath caught at what he saw. He gave a shout of surprise and nearly fell out of his chair.

There was a portrait of him hanging on the wall.

Naruto blinked, now recognizing the differences between himself and the man in the portrait. For one, the blond man was older than Naruto. And there was the feature that had caught Naruto’s eyes first, the lack of whisker scars.

Naruto unconsciously touched his scarred cheek, standing and striding to the portrait of the smiling man. His heart was pounding mercilessly against his chest. The plaque underneath read what he had suspected. ‘Arashi Uzumaki, Head Director of Konoha Inc. Home Division.’

Tsunade was right. Naruto was almost identical to this man. They had the same mess of yellow hair and blue eyes. Naruto reached up and touched the dimple on Arashi’s enlarged tan cheek, finding the cool and slightly dusty glass an odd texture for such a joyful expression.

Naruto tore his eyes away from the picture when he heard the door opening.

“Naruto, Tsunade is ready for you,” Shizune said, a smile on her features.

The blond photographer nodded stiffly, momentarily glancing back at the portrait and Shino, who hadn’t moved an inch. Shizune did not follow Naruto into the office but closed the door behind him.

Naruto glanced around at the office. It was spacious, furnished with faceless male mannequins wearing gothic clothing as well as fashion pinups and bookshelves. Tonton was asleep on a cat bed in the corner.

Tsunade was sitting at a large desk, her chin resting on her folded hands. The wall behind her was glass and facing the park, casting her in shadow somewhat despite the overhead lights.

The busty woman smiled confidently. “I was starting to think you’d never be in touch, Brat.” She gestured to one of the two chairs in front of her desk.

Naruto grunted, choosing to refuse the offer. “Is calling me that supposed to convince me or something? You’ve got a weird sense of logic, lady.”

“Just speaking your language. I’ll stop if you want,” Tsunade offered, still smirking.

Naruto huffed, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets as he walking around, gazing at the oddly dressed mannequins. The clothes were dark colors with chains and cuffs added liberally. The mannequins were covered with polka dots, stars, fingerless gloves and emo hats. It was like walking into a high end Hot Topics store.

He rubbed a blue scarf between his fingers, feeling the soft material. “Well… at least there’s nothing skimpy” Naruto admitted grudgingly.

“Naruto,” Tsunade said as she stood and walked around her desk. “Have you made a decision?” She asked candidly, her golden eyes meeting Naruto’s blue ones.

Naruto allowed his arms to fall to his sides as he shifted uncomfortably, apparently still struggling with himself. His mind drifted back to the smiling face hanging on the wall just in the next room.

“I’m in,” He declared, partly surprising himself.

Tsunade grinned in response, which made Naruto pout. “Don’t look at me like that! Just tell me what I have to do!” He complained, his voice several pitches higher than it had been before.

Tsunade chuckled and returned back behind her desk and sat down. Naruto dropped into the previously offered seat.

“Getting the job may have been easy enough, with my help of course. But keeping it is a whole different matter,” she began, giving the blond a pointed look.

Naruto quirked an eyebrow, moaning as he slumped forward. “Ehh? Tsunade, do you want me to have this job or don’t you?” he whined.

Tsunade waved a hand, “No, no. I want you to have it. I honestly believe you’re the best for the job. But a fair warning…” She leaned forward. “This position hasn’t been permanently filled for nearly two years.”

Naruto blinked, completely surprised by this. A big company like this couldn’t keep a photographer?


Tsunade leaned back and let out a sigh. “A long while back we had a photographer who was, simply put, the best. No one can get shots that are even in the same league as his. Shino has been frustrated with all our temp photographers who can’t keep up to par. Then even if they are moderately good they meet the models and…” Tsunade shrugged. “Let’s just say no one has lasted longer than a month, and that was far above average.”

Naruto slammed his hands down in the table, upsetting a tray of pens. “WHA- WHAT THE HELL?!” He shouted. Tonton grunted from the corner.

Tonton grunted from the corner and Tsunade glared at Naruto. “Sorry, honey. I know it’s upsetting and it seems like I sprang this on you. But I meant to be up front with you about everything that first night. All our other photographers were sent packing almost immediately.” She stood with a challenging glare in place, leveling with the young man in front of her. “This will not be an easy job.”

Naruto snorted. “Maybe for them it wasn’t… but I wasn’t exactly keen on the whole idea from the start you know. Maybe it’s fine for you, but working with a bunch of snooty models would drive me crazy!”

A little surprised, Tsunade stared for a moment before allowing a chuckle to rise in her throat. So it wasn’t just his parents he had misgivings about. That was a relief.

She hardened her gaze, oozing with renewed confidence. “You going to quit?”

Naruto’s mouth twitched and grew into a fox grin. He recognized a challenge when he saw one. “No chance in hell.”

“Good,” Tsunade dropped into her seat, a satisfied gleam in her eye. “You start in one week, 8 AM sharp,” she said. Then in an instant she dropped the air of authority and gave Naruto a warm smile. “Welcome to the team, Brat.”

“He- Hey! Don’t call me a brat, you Hag!” Naruto shouted, caught somewhere between being amused and irritated.

“And don’t raise your voice to your superior! Now get your ass out of my office, I have a lot of work to do,” she shooed him away.

Naruto stood and turned to leave. He had his hand on the doorknob before he turned back around, a nervous grin on his face. “Um… just thought I’d ask… the painting out there in the waiting room…” he broke off, not really sure what he was questioning, but just wanting some kind of confirmation.

Tsunade smiled, “Uncanny resemblance, wouldn’t you say?”

Naruto couldn’t help it. A huge grin grew across his face. “This isn’t over, Hag! Once I’m settled in I’m going to tie you down and force you to tell me stories about my parents!” He swung the door open and left with a flourish.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Tsunade smiled as the door was shut behind him.

Outside the office Naruto was confronted with Shino, who didn’t appear to have moved an inch since he had been gone. Shizune was nowhere in sight.

Okay, so this guy was seriously starting to freak him out. Standing there like a statue… Was he staring at Arashi’s portrait, or just being nice and waiting for him? Not that staring would be so unusual; he waspractically the double of a man who had been dead for years.

Naruto coughed into his hand to get the stoic boy’s attention. When Shino slowly shifted his gaze to Naruto the blond smiled, trying to stay friendly. “Thanks you waiting! You’re, ah, probably wondering about-”

“I know what’s going on.”

Shino pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, making sure his eyes were fully covered before continuing, “Listen Uzumaki, because I’m only going to say this once.” Shino deadpanned, his glasses flashing.

“Your father may have made this magazine successful but that, in my opinion, does not initial you to a free ride. Kiba’s a moron, but he is good at what he does. Let’s just hope you’re the same way.”

Naruto’s jaw dropped.

With that, Shino turned on his heel and left. It had all happened so fast that Naruto wasn’t shouting curses and swearing until Shino had pushed the down button and the elevator doors were closing.


Kiba pushed his way through the lunchroom crowd with Naruto trailing close behind. Naruto clutched his stomach and gazed longingly at the many choices the food court had to offer. He never had gotten breakfast and he was really starting to feel it now. Naruto Uzumaki does not run on empty. But Kiba had insisted that Naruto’s stomach could wait, because he had to introduce him to some of the other employees he would be working with.

When Naruto had told Kiba what Shino said the dog boy shrugged it off, telling Naruto not to worry because that sounded like classic Shino. No one was ever good enough.

Naruto was still pissed about it though. Sure, he had originally been recognized because of his last name and given some special treatment, but that was no reason to demean him. He was damn good photographer, and he had to work his way up from literally nothing to get where he was.

“Hello, ladies!!” Kiba waved at a group of girls across the food court. Naruto immediately perked up, deciding to put his brooding and hunger to the side in favor of more interesting activities.

Three girls watched, making room at their table as they approached. One had her hair tied up in two tight buns and was wearing a tight spandex tank top and sweat pants. The other two girls were much more prim. The blond one was wearing dress pants and a button-up sequin shirt, with large hoop earrings dangling from her earlobes.

But the girl that really caught Naruto’s eye was the one on the far left. Her heir was dyed bubblegum pink, and she was wearing this complex black and pink lolishota dress with knee-high boots. She certainly stood out, in a good way. As they approached Naruto caught her eye by grinning and giving a small friendly wave. She smiled back.

The girl with the brown buns stood up, waving them over enthusiastically, “How you doing Kiba? Got your column in yet?”

“Nah, I’m going to make Shino suffer till the last possible second,” Kiba snickered, plopping down opposite her. Naruto sat next to him, across from the rosey girl.

Kiba slapped a hand on Naruto’s shoulder, “But hey, say hello to our new photographer! Naruto! He’s awesome!”

Laughing nervously, Naruto rubbed the back of his head, “Hee- Hello everyone.”

Kiba’s face suddenly turned grave. “Seriously though, you should all give him your phone numbers, like, right now.”

Naruto’s face turned brilliant red as the girls started laughing. Naruto squawked, “What?! Kiba!”

Kiba barked out a laugh that turned into a yelp when the brown haired girl hit him on the head. “Ignore him, he never got past that college freshman stage.”

She held out her hand and Naruto shook it, welcoming the friendly gesture.“It’s wonderful to meet you Naruto. I’m Tenten, your models’ personal trainer.”

Naruto blinked, a little off set by the way the comment was phrased. “My models?”

“Well, they say the photographer can make or break a model’s career. It’s all about presentation right? Our models are already famous, but shoddy work isn’t going to do them any favors,” Tenten explained, chuckling at the look on Naruto’s face. “You’ll do great. If you got past Shino you must be good.”

Naruto inwardly winced. Okay, so Shino hadn’t picked him out. Big deal. It’s not like he cared… really.

“I look forward to working with you, Naruto,” The pink haired girl spoke up, immediately catching the blond’s full attention.

Naruto’s heart to fluttered up into his throat at the compliment, but he had to cut his inward cheer short as she continued.

“I’m Sakura and this is my friend Ino,” Sakura indicated the blond girl sitting next to her who took the opportunity to flip her hair back and smile. “We’re in charge of making the models look pretty! I’m the resident costume designer and she’s our makeup artist.”

Naruto snickered. Heh, heh. Makeup. Prissy models.

“That’s awesome, Sakura! Did you design that outfit you’re wearing?” He asked impulsively, wanting the conversation to continue. Then immediately regretting it because it would be awkward if she bought her dress off the rack, but it seemed that luck was on Naruto’s side today.

Sakura smiled and nodded in the affirmative, “Yep, most of my designs are for men of course, but I also like to make my own clothes. It’s a hobby I’ve had since middle school.”

Naruto grinned and scratched his cheek to hide the blush he could feel surfacing, but just as quickly he pulled his hand away, not wanting to draw attention to the scars on his cheeks. “It’s really cute! I like your style.”

“You would, you’re wearing a bright orange jumper,” Kiba pointed out.

“Kiba,” Turning slowly towards the dog boy, Naruto spoke through gritted teeth. “Now would be an extremely good time to shut your mouth.”

“No way, I know my rights!” Kiba hollered, laughing at Naruto’s discomfort. “Come on Jersey Boy, you didn’t come here just to work did you? You’re in New York for cripes sakes! You need a night on the town!”

Tenten rolled her eyes. “Kiba, he’s not interested your beer runs. The man just got here.”

“Yes I am! I’m interested!” Naruto contradicted.

“A man after my own heart!” Kiba slung an arm around Naruto’s shoulders. “Stick with me kid, and I’ll show you all the ropes.”

“Please don’t,” Tenten sighed.

“Shikamaru, Choji, over here!” Ino stood up, waving two other men over. Unlike the girls, they were in business suits.

“Maa, not so loud Ino.” The taller, ponytail clad man spoke, taking the seat on the other side of Kiba and immediately laying his head on the table.

“We had a lot of auditing to get done before the deadline.” The larger man explained in a kind tone before sitting next to his co-worker.

Ino rolled her eye, “Oh please, Choji. He’s a lazy ass all the time and you know it.”

“Speaking of which,” Kiba started, rising up a finger. “You two up for some clubbing?” He gave the other two men a toothy but pleading grin.

“How is that, ‘speaking of which’?” Shikamaru asked, annoyed.

“It’s to welcome our new comrade!” Kiba pointed to Naruto, sliding back so Shikamaru and Choji could see him.

“Another photographer?” Shikamaru lifted his head to give Naruto a skeptical look. “Can’t I just go out for the next one instead? You dragged me to that stupid club last week.”

Even though Naruto kept his smile in place, a vein on his brow ticked and he clinched a fist tightly.

“Shikamaru, that’s rude!” Sakura glowered. Ino nodded fervently in agreement.

The lazy man shrugged and put his head back down. Choji gave Naruto an apologetic look.

Kiba snorted. “Hey, if I didn’t work ten-hour days I might have time to make friends who aren’t jerks or lazy asses! Besides, it’s good for you to get off your butt every now and then!”

Shikamaru waved a hand in the air, apparently tired of talking. After a few moments Naruto wasn’t even sure if he was awake any more.

“Whatever, we’re having a party and that’s that!” Kiba declared proudly. “Come on! He’s just moved to New York! From New Jersey of all places! This city will either make or break you, and if you’re working for Konoha you definitely have it made. He should be celebrating!”

“What’s wrong with New Jersey?” Naruto asked, sincerely curious.

Kiba slapped a hand over the blond’s mouth. “Hush, young padawan. You have much to learn.”

Question marks danced over Naruto’s head and Kiba grinned.

“We start the holy trinity of the fashion industry, booze, babes and money. Of course, since it’s all males models now it’s more like booze, fangirls and money…”

“For god sakes, Kiba, quit pestering him.” Sakura growled.

“Ten-ten!!!” A shout resonated though the room. It had a rippling effect that quickly caused the most everyone in the cafeteria to turn towards its source. Naruto couldn’t see at first but people were quickly leaping out of the way as two men stormed towards their table. Well, one man was storming. The other was floating behind him with an amused smile on his face.

Two handsome asian men were rapidly approaching them and Naruto knew they had to be the models. Both were lean and pale with dark hair, but that would be were the similarities ended. Naruto could only assume it was the one up front who had shouted because he looked ready to kill. His long dark brown hair was pulled back in a loose knot halfway down his back, and his outfit was a simple army tank top and tan caprices. The other had short midnight black hair and a dark ensemble. An expression of absolute serenity graced his features.

The longhaired man pushed Kiba aside, knocking him into Shikamaru and whacking Kiba hard on the shoulder in the process. His long silky hair nearly reached his waist, and Naruto thought it looked shinier than any normal hair should.

Tenten stared at him with wide eyes. “What?”

“WHAT? You know what!” He pointed an accusing finger at the dumbfounded girl. Even though his eyes were contorted in rage Naruto was able to make out that they were white.

Tenten stared for another moment before narrowing her eyes. “Neji, this had better not be about that shampoo.”

Neji shook with rage, and Kiba laughed under his breath; he was the only one who dared to though. Naruto thought Neji was probably capable of murder right now.

“You… You… it was a special order from the Bahamas!”

“And it smelled like rotting seafood,” Tenten grouched, “But I didn’t touch your stupid shampoo.”

“You were complaining about it for weeks!” Neji countered, hitting the table with his fist.

Tenten’s growled, “I didn’t steal your shampoo!! Do you even hear yourself?! You sound like a crazy person!”

The smiling man came up and placed a hand on Neji’s shoulder, which was shaking with rage. “Perhaps it’s time to let bygones be-”

He suddenly stopped, opening his large dark eyes, which up to now had been closed with his smile. Naruto fidgeted, realizing the model was looking straight at him. The look in his eyes was unreadable, but it made Naruto shy away all the same.

The eyes closed again as the smile returned. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Sai.” The man held out a hand, which Naruto reluctantly shook, trying to smile back.

“Naruto Uzumaki, I’m the new photographer.”

“Really?” Sai opened his eyes again, looking thoroughly interested. “Fantastic.”

Sensing danger, Kiba shot up. “Sai, you perv! Naruto’s straight!”

Naruto baulked. Sai looked Naruto up and down, making him feel thoroughly uncomfortable, especially since the handshake was lingering longer than it should. Sai’s smile grew half an inch wider.

“We’ll see,” he said so quietly that Naruto wasn’t sure anyone but him had heard it. Naruto shivered, snapping his hand back the moment Sai released it.

Neji looked over at Naruto as well, still looking irritable. “This is our new photographer? I don’t know if I want him taking my picture. What is he, a teenager?”

Naruto scowled. “I’m twenty-one.”

“An amateur. Tsunade must be getting desperate,” Neji scoffed as he sat down where Kiba had been, pushing the whole side down a space. Sai sat between Neji and Naruto, which put him in the way should Naruto decided to punch someone. Not a smart man.

“Neji, don’t be an ass, I’m sure Naruto will do the best he can,” Tenten said, massaging her temple.

Naruto stared. She made it sound like he was a charity case. Naruto. Does. Not. Take. Charity.

“Yeah! Naruto will be fine!” Kiba said loudly.

Neji looked down his nose at them. “‘Fine’, doesn’t cut it in this business.”

Kiba rolled his eyes. “Man, you models are all the same. So full of yourselves, at least the ones here are.”

Naruto slammed his hands down on the table with a deafening crack, startling everyone into silence. He was practically shaking with anger as he stood up. Oh, yeah, Naruto was pissed.

The other employees gaped as he climbed onto the table and stood in front of Neji, who was staring up at Naruto as if he had grown a second head.

Naruto took a deep breath. “You think i’m nothing?!! That i’m just another kink in the works?!! Well let me tell you something!!” Naruto rounded on the other people at the table, making them jump.

By now everyone in the cafeteria had turned to watch, Naruto’s words heard clearly by everyone.

“I don’t care who you think you are!! Hiding up here in your mighty New York company!! I’m the best fucking photographer you’ll ever meet and I’m going to take best god damn pictures you’ve ever seen for this damn magazine!!” Naruto turned around, glaring out at everyone in the room. “Remember the name Naruto Uzumaki!!”

The room was completely silent as Naruto caught his breath, huffing as he took in their shocked faces with satisfaction. Let’s see if they don’t take him seriously now. Heh, heh, I’m the best. Naruto thought with glee.

Suddenly two green flashes collided with him, knocking the wind out of Naruto’s chest and slamming him painfully to the floor.

“What the hell?!!” Naruto fought back, kicking and punching as the two figures tried to restrain him. Naruto’s first panicked thought was that they were aliens, green aliens with freaky eyes and bowl haircuts.

“Hold him down with your youthful energy, Lee! I’ll get the pepper spray!” The bigger one shouted.

“Yes Sir!!” The smaller one answered. Naruto screamed and thrashed, trying to get away.

“Wa- Wait a minute!!” Neji yelled, standing up.

“Let him go!” Kiba tackled Lee before the green beast could get a hold of Naruto’s wrists. Everyone evacuated their seats as the fight escalated. The three boys rolled around on the floor slamming into benches and tables. Sakura and Ino screamed when they got near their feet.

“Mr. Editor, it is our solemn vow to protect our youthful prodigy at any cost!!” Lee shouted, refusing to give an inch.

Gai stood before them, hands clutching his head in worry. “Oh no! If I spray now I might hit Lee!”

After a moment hesitation Neji ran forward and grabbed the hand the big alien was holding the can of pepper spray with. “GAI, he’s just the photographer!”

“Eh? Photographer? Photographers do not threaten their subjects!”

“Well, uh…”

Meanwhile Naruto and Kiba had managed to get the upper hand, each of them grabbing one of Lee’s arms. “Forgive me, Sir!” Lee cried.

“Lee! Cut it out!” Surprisingly, Neji strode forward and pulled Lee up, away from Naruto and Kiba. The two boys were sporting what were sure to be several dark bruises and Naruto had a bloody nose that he was now whipping on his jacket sleeve.

“Sorry,” Neji sighed, sounding exasperated. “They’re… my managers. They tend to get a little over excited.”

“A little?!” Naruto choked, whipping away the blood as it ran into his mouth. Wow, it was really flowing.

“Are you okay?” Sakura asked with concern. Naruto smiled up at her. “Yeah, just need to get cleaned up a bit.”

“Come on,” Ino grabbed Naruto by the sleeve. “We’ll get you cleaned up.”


Tsunade watched the security camera monitor as Naruto was escorted out of the food court. She pushed a button on the keyboard and the camera switched to the hallway. As the blond was lead along he held his head up and pinched his nose to stop the flow.

Shizune stood next to her boss, holding Tonton tightly and glancing as Tsunade nervously, almost expecting her to get angry.

Tsunade smirked, “That was something.” She chipped, her honey eyes glued to the screen. Shizune visibly relaxed.

“I suppose.” She squeaked, a small smile forming.

Tsunade turned her chair away from the desk and stood up, walking to the large window. She gazed out over the park below. “I believe that kid has just the kind of spirit we need.”

“You think?” Shizune asked, her small smile turning to a confused frown. “All he did was yell and get in a fight…”

“But he has an odd effect on people.” She turned around, a knowing gleam in her eye. “Our models may be popular but they all have a flaw, the same flaw in fact; their attitude.”

Shizune giggled, a sweat drop running down her head. “They say it takes attitude to be a good model.”

“No, no, not that kind of attitude,” The busty woman waved a hand dismissively.

“You see, Shizune, every good photographer knows that the best pictures are the ones with heart,” She winked. “Our models are so cold, it’s a wonder we can get any decent shots at all. Which is where Naruto comes in.”

Tsunade turned back to the park, hands placed firmly on her hips. “If he’s anything like his father, he’ll be able to melt their icy exteriors and get some extraordinary shots.” She chuckled heartily. If he can survive Sai’s flirting, Neji’s prudishness, Gaara’s death aura and Sasuke’s general bad attitude, they might just have themselves a photographer.


“Iruka!” Naruto whined, rubbing his eyes as he trailed after his father through the department store, which Naruto was sure the man was trying to buy out. “This isn’t a camping trip! You don’t have to get all this crap!”

Iruka took his eyes away from his list to glare at the blond. “You’ll need this stuff Naruto.”

“Oh yeah? What am I going to use a lantern for?” He fished out the offending object and held it up.

Iruka snatched the lantern back and dropped it into the cart. “In case the power goes out! These have a longer batter life than flash lights!”

Naruto grumbled. In the past few days he had been to several different nightclubs, gone sight seeing, and visited about fifty apartments before choosing one that was both affordable and that he liked. He was tired, and he didn’t care what kind of silverware he owned.

“Juuust pick one!” Naruto pouted, snuggling his face against Iruka’s back. “I’m sleepy…”

Iruka smiled. Honestly, Naruto could be just as cute as he was boisterous sometimes. “Just hang on a bit longer, we’re almost done.”


Naruto pushed his way out of the storage room, struggling with the two ten-foot long light stands he was trying to carry.

Okay, setting up his studio the evening before his first photo shoot was nerve wracking to say the least. He’d meant to get to it earlier, really! But with getting his apartment set up and everything he hadn’t had any time. Iruka came up to help him settle in and had stayed for two days, and then last night Kiba had invited him out to get drinks with Shikamaru and Choji… So now he was fucked.

One of the stands bumped the ceiling and the other caught on the door. Naruto stopped where he was. Fuck! He adjusted the camera bag on his shoulder, trying to get a better grip on the slippery surface of the poles.

Out of the corner of his eye, Naruto caught sight of someone walking towards him. “Hey! Give me a hand here, will ya? These things are a bitch to carry and it got stuck in the door!”

The raven-haired man stopped before Naruto, turning his head just slightly to give the blond an uninterested gaze.

Blue eyes met smoldering black.

Naruto’s first thought was that this guy was good looking. Sinfully good looking. Dark, curtain-like bangs fell around the boy’s eyes; framing his pale face in such stark contrast, it reminded Naruto of a porcelain doll. Except there was nothing delicate about the arrogant glare he was receiving, like a prince looking down his nose at a presumptuous peasant. Naruto frowned, giving the glare right back.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, their eyes locked and glaring. The longer those dark eyes were watching him the angrier Naruto got. Then the pale man turned his head away and continued on his way as if he had never been interrupted.

Naruto gaped, his brow twitching in anger. That guy had stopped, looked straight at him and didn’t even lift a finger to help! What kind of asshole does that?!! He sent death glares after that man until he rounded the corner and was out of sight.

Naruto scoffed, berated himself for thinking someone with a chicken butt hairstyle could be good looking and decided he didn’t want help from such a bastard in the first place.
Warnings: lots of cursing, ooc Neji, some people like ooc Itachi, I like ooc Neji ;) and Sai

If anyone wants to know what I’m up to between updates, please visit my livejournal page :D The link is in my profile and I usually post there once a week at least, it’s all stuff regarding my fanfic writing or other fangirling.

Oh, and please review if you like it! Makes me write faster.

Chapter one [link]
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1Lovepink3's avatar
It's been almost 9 years since you wrote this but I really wish you would finish it because I really LOVE IT!!!!